The Instructors

Father and Son: Sensei’s Steele


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Tyrone Steele received his Blackbelt in Tao Hshei Wu Shu (the way of unified martial arts) in June of 2018. He currently studies Brazilian JiuJitsu, Tang Soo Do under Master Caleb Holland of Iron Wolf Fitness Academy, and has a strong focus in Wing Chun and the Shaolin ChiGong, both of which he studies under Sifu Steven Allen, and is a member of the IFCMA.

He is a former Marine Corps Gulf War I veteran; a father of five children, a published author, and a full time musician and drum instructor, composer, and a working actor. Ty graduated Magna Cum Laude for his undergrad, then obtained a Masters of Arts in Religion, and a Master of Divinity from Liberty University in 2011, and finished the Atlanta Institute of Music drum program in 2012 with honors.


DSC_8845 - Knighton (high side kick)Knighton Steele received his Blackbelt in Tao Hshei Wu Shu (the way of unified martial arts) in June of 2018 and is a member of the IFCMA. He studies Brazilian JiuJitsu, and has a focus on Capoeira. He studied Ballet for five years with the Atlanta Professional Dance Academy, is a drummer, guitarist, composer and model.