Our Academy

White BG - Sailors, EJ, chambered fistsRed Phoenix Martial Arts Academy, inc. is a family-oriented Christian martial arts school that teaches various different martial arts forms, several days a week at several locations. The school was conceived from a passion for family, friends and fellowship. We welcome all people, all faiths, creeds and languages.

We often have guest instructors from various martial arts schools that contribute to our collective knowledge base. These are highly respected experts in their field.

Although a “red phoenix” is an endangered bird protected on Mainland China, the Phoenix (鳳 fèng) represents rebirth from death. The martial arts transform us, sometimes reshaping our lives. We also believe in a spiritual rebirth. Our organization is based on biblical principles. We do not expect any member to change religions or to even have one. Just know that this is who we are. We believe in families and the power of prayer and service to others. We focus on raising young men and women as servant leaders. The student will always begin with no belt at all, regardless of prior experience, as this is a comprehensive martial arts system that requires extensive knowledge and experience.